Sky Healing Frontiers™
Embark on a journey to the Zenith Of Healing & the pinnacle of Evolution.

Sky Healing Frontiers - Brief

It is a series of symbols that will truly take you to the zenith of understanding & pinnacle of evolution. Your karmic baggage will Progressively rooted out in time with practice of SHF and you will be empowered with divine wealth and wisdom in place of residual karmic infactuations, Eventually most of the limitations you feel in your life that is holding you back will get dissolved.
But you need to have a vision as you will definitely be on the path of realization & free your self from negative repetitive karmic cycles.
You will enter into a state of transcedental bliss anchored in a state of krishna consciouness or christ consciousness.
If one does not have a vision & a mission to substantiate one's vision one will not flower into a pillar of light.
But with a vision you become a leader & have a life after realization to become a pillar of light & guide others towards the path of light and wisdom.
How Does SHF Work?
Sky Healing Frontiers is a set of new age healing energies and Symbols that will truly take you to the zenith of wisdom & Understanding and the pinnacle of evolution.
Basically you HEAL . Evolve . Manifest

Progressively decimate Present & Pastlife Karma
Break the cycle of fruitive actions and become free from negative karmic cycle. Experience the reality of actually being in the sate of Krishna or Christ consciousness rather than an intellectual speculation. Thus leading a happy, healthy and Prosperous Life.

Comprehensive Angelic Protection
Employ SHF angels to remove curses, lift entities and elementals to light and invoke a powerful shield to protect from negative sources of influence.

Fill With Divine Wealth
Empower yourself with a host of divine wealth that you can channel on demand after the SHF attunement through the use of SHF Symbols. Experience Universal Divine Love, Gratitude, Healing, Compassion and Abundance.

Our Team

Dr. B Aswin Roshan
Third Eye Reiki Services™
Sky Healing Frontiers™
A Reiki Master. He is involved in research in channeling of new and vibrant healing energies for the benefit of mankind.
A B Saveetha
Reiki Master/ Teacher
A Reiki Master/ Teacher who will take the reiki classes and attune the students into reiki. She has an experience of more than 15 years and she is an active meditator for the past 20 years.
Guru Aswin
Healing Officer - SHF Master
Positive and inspirational holistic healing expert with over 12 year of experience.
An Expert in Sky Healing Frontiers (SHF) Healing & An Clairvoyant Angelic Healer.

Turbo Reiki
Third Eye Reiki Services,
Sky Healing Frontiers,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.
landmark- near venketeshwara hospital.
Mobile #: +91 9444342693
+91 9360528300 +91 9500026297
email: baswinroshan@gmail.com