Mahavatar Babaji

Maha Avatar Babaji

Maha Avatar Babaji with Ascended Masters
Maha Avatar Babaji The Sage Of All Sages
Mahaavatar babaji has transcended his body and is a eternal guru of light who showers his light of insight and direction to all those who are in a mission to spread this light of creation that of self realization, ascension and salvation.
Dr. B Aswin Roshan Founder of Third Eye Reiki Services is one among them upon whom his infinite love and blessing is showered upon. It was with his blessing and constant guidance this reiki healing and training institution was started.
At Third Eye Reiki Services we channel his light in the form of reiki energy; it is distinctively unique Universal in nature free from restrictions of religion, race, cast and creed.
I bow down and surrender to the lotus feet of Mahaavatar Babaji and dedicate this Organisation and all the Healing, Research and Training undertaken to him.

Get in Touch
One of our team members will be in contact with you shortly.

Turbo Reiki
Third Eye Reiki Services,
Sky Healing Frontiers,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.
landmark- near venketeshwara hospital.
Mobile #: +91 9444342693
+91 9360528300 +91 9500026297
email: baswinroshan@gmail.com