Quantum Light
Quantum Shield
Nectar of Creation

Quantum Light
Quantum Light is a Special form of Reiki healing Energy For the 21st century that is self-sufficient , eternal, all illuminating in nature, Very potent against dark energies both in removing and shielding them channeled by Dr. B Aswin Roshan, Third Eye Reiki Service.
Quantum Light when used with reiki can be used directly with all reiki symbols it is self powering and propels all the symbols used into a psychic super highway so that the purpose of the reiki symbol is materialized, It gives instantaneous results.
Quantum Light is a Dazzling white Healing energy that is suitable for healing and shielding one's body and aura. Most of the people suffering from various ailments have an aura that is impenetrable. It is difficult or quite tedious work is required at the level of energy to tackle these issues.
For this very particular reason Quantum Light Shoots arrows of light that first penetrates the aura and attacks the root cause of the problem with enormous force, Once penetrated into the aura Quantum Shield is generated around the whole being, it Systematically Stage By Stage harmonizes and stabilizes the body and seals that person . The Quantum light dissolves all the psychic debris and makes the aura stable and radiating with positive energy.
These Arrows of white light once shot from the Quantum light engulfs the person, penetrates the areas of distress and transmutes itself into a thick paste like liquid that heals that area. So Quantum Light effectively shoots arrows of light that further upon penetration transmutes itself into an liquid essence that further heals the problem from the root cause of the situation at hand.
Quantum Light was channeled with the presence of various gods and goddesses with the help and Guidance of Sri Sri MahaAvatar Babaji . It is Universal In Nature it infinite potential and healing ability soars high above the boundaries laid by religion, cast , creed , etc.

Quantum Shield
Quantum shield is the psychic Shield that engulfs the person and protects him from evil eye, entities, negative energy and Psychic chords that can drain one's energy.
The Shield is dazzling white in color it protects one from all directions and dimensions one is living. This Shield is invoked by invoking quantum light.
Any event or thought in ones mind that is focused on some activity , objects or other persons. At the energy level psychic chords are created. These psychic chords are soft tube like they carry energy and information. These psychic chords are not obstructed by any walls as they do not have any restrictions of space and time . These can be modified by higher healing energies like quantum light.
If one is suffering from addictions or carvings then there are psychic chords corresponding to these latched on to that person , these can be effectively released using Quantum Shield and one can protect themselves from these psychic chords from resurfacing.
Generally when one is involved in daily activities psychic chords get developed and these psychic chords drain one's energy and this is the reason for feeling slump, guilt, fear and also other emotions that forms many obstacles in life.
The Quantum Shield severs these negative psychic chords and then transmutes the residual psychic debris coming from negative psychic chords into positive energy, thus it acts like a firewall.

Nectar Of Creation
Nectar of Creation is a divine healing energy in the form of thick dense shimmering white nectar from the angelic realm. Nectar of creation is applied with the help of angels after shielding with Quantum Light energy for the purpose of healing.
Nectar Of creation shields the person completely from all sorts of dark energies and acts as angel medicine that heals and quenches the body's thirst for healing wholly and completely.

Nectar Of Creation

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Turbo Reiki
Third Eye Reiki Services,
Sky Healing Frontiers,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.
landmark- near venketeshwara hospital.
Mobile #: +91 9444342693
+91 9360528300 +91 9500026297
email: baswinroshan@gmail.com