What & How We Heal
The following procedures are carried out in Healing By Sky Healing Frontiers(SHF), Reiki & Angelic Quantum Healing.
Clearing away all the negative karma accumulated in this lifetime and all the past lifetimes.
Clearing away all negative elementals in the auric web.
Clearing away all the dhoshas( curses).
Clearing all negative and misqualified energies.
Clearing away residual karma and psychic debris.
Clearing away negative entities.
Healing and filling body with divine energy and wealth.
Healing , activating and balancing the chakras.
Healing the five koshas and physically, mentally and emotionally
Healing the relationship problem
Healing the ailments and area of need requested by the individuals.
Stabilizing the chakras and aura.
Activating a psychic shield to protect the person wholly and completely.
Individual's photo and details kept in pyramid for receiving healing 24x7.
Healing with reiki symbols.
Cutting the negative psychic chords of fear that are draining your energy and vitality.
Healing and energizing the subconscious mind.
Three Aspects Of Healing at
Turbo Reiki
The below Energy Tools And Techniques are Employed in Healing In Turbo Reiki

SHF Programmed Pyramids
Utilize the miracle of Pyramids
Pyramids of a specific dimension are power houses of cosmic energy and act as microprocessors of cosmic energy, Which can be programnmed By a SHF Master to heal the people whose case sheet is placed in the pyramid.

SHF Crystal Healing Grid
Tap the Healing energy of Universe with Crystals
Crystals are naturally occurring crystalline substances. When utilizing crystals we are immediately connected with the universe and healing consequently happens. The Crystal Grid Used by Us are Programmed with SHF and this enhances the healing efficacy exponentially.

Invoking SHF Angels
Your Divine Buddy.
SHF Angels are the beings of light that represent the angelic consciousness of SHF Healing energies. SHF angels aide in the process of healing, shielding, energization & intuitive guidance.
By Invoking the presence of these angels with one 24x7 they are effectively shielded, protected and empowered with all auspiciousness.
Benefits of Reiki
Some common benefits of reiki treatment are:
♦ Reiki is an extremely pleasant and soothing, holistic method of healing.
♦ Reiki functions at physical, spiritual, emotional and mental levels.
♦ The natural ability of the body to heal itself is supported and enhanced by reiki.
♦ Blocked up energies are loosened up by reiki and total relaxation is promoted by reiki.
♦ The body is cleansed of poisons by reiki.
♦ The body’s energies are balanced by reiki.
♦ Mental well-being and spiritual equilibrium is established by reiki.
♦ The body, mind and soul is vitalized by reiki.
♦ The flow of reiki is adjusted automatically according to the recipient’s need.
♦ Immune system is supported by reiki.
♦ Better sleep is promoted by reiki.
♦ Blood Pressure is reduced by reiki.
♦ Pain is relieved by reiki.
♦ Creativity is promoted by reiki.
♦ Medical treatments are complimented by reiki.
Self-treatment is one of the greatest benefits of reiki. After the reiki attunement, the reiki practitioner only needs to have an intention to do reiki on himself or others, and the reiki energy is drawn through immediately, of its own accord. The reiki practitioner need not focus further intensely.
Reiki is an extremely effective technique for stress relief and total relaxation. One has the feeling of security with a sensation of joy, peace and vitality, also a sense of being enclosed by a fine sheath of energy. Withheld emotions and energy blocks are released while treating oneself. Holistic healing is the method through which reiki heals.
The chemical structure of the body is improved by reiki to help rebuild tissues, bones and regenerate organs. A balance of mental makeup is created by reiki. Reiki paves a way for conscious awareness, the very key to enlightenment.

Get in Touch
One of our team members will be in contact with you shortly.

Turbo Reiki
Third Eye Reiki Services,
Sky Healing Frontiers,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.
landmark- near venketeshwara hospital.
Mobile #: +91 9444342693
+91 9360528300 +91 9500026297
email: baswinroshan@gmail.com