Third Eye Reiki Services - Brief

green and black sky with stars
green and black sky with stars

The golden pyramid is a symbol of strength and energy.

The wings are the golden wings of fire of that of a phoenix, raising high , and
regenerating from its ashes , evolves as it regenerates.

An all illuminating star at the top.

On one face is the symbol of balance within it is the sacred symbol of antahkarana that
activates, amplifies , energises and connects one to their higher self .

On the other face is the all seeing third eye.

The lotus is a symbol of purity, spontaneity and beauty.

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Our Team

Dr. B Aswin Roshan
Dr. B Aswin Roshan
Dr. B Aswin Roshan


Third Eye Reiki Services™

Sky Healing Frontiers™

A Reiki Master. He is involved in research in channeling of new and vibrant healing energies for the benefit of mankind.

A B Saveetha
Reiki Master/ Teacher

A Reiki Master/ Teacher who will take the reiki classes and attune the students into reiki. She has an experience of more than 15 years and she is an active meditator for the past 20 years.

Guru Aswin
Healing Officer - SHF Master

Positive and inspirational holistic healing expert with over 12 year of experience.
An Expert in Sky Healing Frontiers (SHF) Healing & An Clairvoyant Angelic Healer.